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Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy July

Happy July 4th to all my American friends. Hope you all have a lovely weekend.
I can relate Summer to a variety of fruits. My children love them and one of their favorites is the watermelon.

 A water color painting of an apple that I did a few days back. I'm happy with the rich colors that I achieved from my Koi water colors.

 Some days, whatever I try to create, it never comes out right. Yesterday was one such day. I tried to do some flowers and the result got out to be disastrous! Last week I made a trip to Blick and got a new sketchbook named, Nature Sketch. It has sheets of 130 lb weight but somehow I'm not very happy with it.

Maybe it was just that yesterday was not my day to play with paints. On such occasions, I take a break for a day or two and then I come back with a renewed energy. How do you come out of creative blocks? I would love to know.
Thank you for being here
[Next week is my birthday and I'm planning to do a giveaway here. Please do check in to see what it is.]

Linking my pages to PPFArt Journal Everyday and Sunday Sketches 


  1. Lovely watermelon post and I really like your apple! I'm new to water colors and am impressed with your "every day-ness".....I am trying to follow suit. Nice job here!

  2. Love your refreshing watercolours. Valerie

  3. Yum! I love the fruit paintings. Do you have a Blick store nearby? How wonderful! And I thought they were a catalog only business.

  4. your wok is beautiful! I think we all have off days, some days I feel like I couldn't paint a stoke to save my life and then the before you know it the painting just happens ,, I think we mustn't force it, let it happen and it will come, happy PPF

  5. beautiful illustrations Susan. I do have off days -which can be frustrating(esp. when I can see it in my head though it's not coming together on paper or canvas). However, I do as you do and let it be and find something else I enjoy- like a good movie, or cooking, or reading, or a walk. It all works out the next day or so. We have a Dick Blick not far from us but I haven't been there in awhile and am not familiar with your sketch book. Have a great weekend!

  6. Oh Happy upcoming Birthday. Hope it is swell. Sweet illustrations. When I am in a funk, I just set to collaging someting and it usually gets me going again. xox

  7. I love both your fruit paintings, especially the apple, which looks to me like you could pull it off the page and take a bite off of it. Your flowers are very good too, but they probably are not what you had envisioned. When that happens to me, I walk away from the piece for a day or so. When I come back, I either love it and leave it as is, or I may re-work it some other technique. Blessings!

  8. I love your fruit paintings.....especially the watermelon...which was a favorite fruit when I was a kid and still is in my top ten!! Sorry about your creative mojo...mine was the same this week. Good idea to walk away and come back with new I think creativity is an illusive spirit that flits in and out whenever it feels like it.Here's to catching the spirit next week!!

    Hugs Giggles

    Hugs Giggles

  9. lovely work, who doesn't love fruit and flowers!

  10. Your paintings are beautiful and well done!

  11. Hello Susan! These fruit paintings are GORGEOUS my friend!! They look so real and YUMMY! I'm so glad your doing these daily sketches, your art is coming along so well and I can see YOU in them. The flowers I do like but am sorry you don't. It could be the paper or like the above comment about them not being what you imagined. Keep trying and if your not happy switch back your paper to what you like. They did come out pretty.

    When I get in a rut I walk away too and come back with fresh eyes. Even with my PL I have to do that at times. Keep it up and can't wait to see more.

    I just posted my SOC art for this week. I really liked these colors, so pretty and summer like. Your watermelon painting is perfect for it this week too.

    Have a happy holiday weekend! HUGS!

  12. oh wow JUST GORGEOUS!!! all pieces are fantastic!

  13. Well your art is amazing. I think everyone has those days that just don't work out for them. Walking away and getting a new perspective is the way to do it. Happy early birthday.

  14. Absolutely gorgeous paintings! I love the one you created using this week's SOC colors! Happy belated 4th of July to you, too!

  15. That painting of the watermelon makes me want to go out and buy a piece .... yum!
    When I get in a creative block I tend to alternate between different things. If it doesn't work with painting, I start sketching, if that doesn't work I make a mosaic or paint a box or a rock, or just start doodling in black & white. I find if I do that I'll get out of it pretty quickly, but if I stay away from creating too long it gets more and more difficult to start again. Very frustrating ....

  16. Great watercolors! Hope you had a great weekend for the 4th too.

  17. Lovely creations ~ great work with watercolor ~ thanks, ^_^ ~ Happy Week to you ~ ^_^

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  18. Gorgeous...the apple especially. I love the colours and the shadows. I would consider framing that one as a nice kitchen print. Happy SS

  19. I think your watercolors and the flowers are lovely! The apple is especially nice. I love watermelon too.

  20. These watercolours are so lovely and well done. Fantastic!

  21. Hope that you are over your creative block now. The watermelon is gorgeous, and it's perfect for the SOC week 4 colors.

  22. All are beautiful! Especially I like your watercolour painting of the apple! It´s absolutely gorgeous!


About Me

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I am someone who loves almost everything that is related to art-be it writing, painting, crafts, music, dance; Yes,anything that can enliven my spirit. I am originally from Kerala,India. Currently I live in the US.
