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Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween  everyone and Oh my! October is getting over. Two more months to go and we are at the threshold of a new year. Today both my sons are so excited to dress up and go for the school parades and also for trick or treat in the evening-:)  I'm not someone who gets so excited about this day but it does make me smile to see their anticipation and excitement.

I had been busy in my Fall journal, creating more Fall themed sketches. Now there are only 5 more pages left in my handmade journal. Once it is completed I'm planning to do a Winter Journal in the same fashion.
                                 "Autumn is a second Spring when every leaf is a flower." Albert Camus

 I did another set of sunflowers-:) 

Yet another  Fall sketch with lot of pen work. 
Linking this to Art Journal Journey 's theme, Deep in the Forest

This is the page that I created in my Strathmore Mixed Media Art Journal. The background is layered with Dylusion spray inks, stencilling and modelling paste. Next, I created the silhouette of the girl and outlined it with stabilo pencil.  
The quote on her dress states," The things we take for granted, someone else is praying for."

Isn't that so true! Even the basic things in our lives, when we fuss about the food, clothing and shelter that we have, there are millions praying for them.
Most of us get bored with routine. We never realize that normal routine is such a blessing. When it gets disrupted by a sudden illness or the death of a dear one, only then we realize how valuable our old normal life with our loved ones were.
Whenever boredom creeps into my routine, I remember the blessings that I have and feel very Thankful for them.

Linking my post to PPF and Art Journal Everyday

Wishing you all a safe Halloween and lovely weekend

Friday, October 24, 2014

Friday Art

Happy Friday  everyone.How is Halloween celebrations going on everywhere? Somehow I am not a big fan of it. But of course, my boys love it. They are so excited to try out their costumes and go out for trick or treating-:)
Today I'm sharing my second Art Journal page which I did in my new Strathmore Mixed media Journal. I did the background with Dylusion sprays (love how bright they are). Again I have used a Fall theme, and hence the yellow-orange-red shades.I did the watercolor flowers on book page and glued them here. 
This week the weather has been terrible here. It was cold and it rained all day and night-:( I wanted to put down that too here. That is with the raindrops and thunder patterns.

The quote that I added to the page is: "Stop thinking so much. It is alright not to know the answers. They will come to you when you least expect it."
I think it is so true. Most of the quotes that I add to my pages are kind of self-reminders. I have a habit of over thinking and then worrying  over my thoughts. Later the answers evolve themselves when I least expect them-:) I then wonder why I spent so much time worrying and stressing about it.Have you ever come across such a situation? 

Yet another watercolor on my Handmade book. I used Strathmore 400 series cold press water color sheets (22in by 30in ) for making the sketchbook. 

I'm linking my art to PPFArt Journal EverydaySunday Sketches  and Art Journal Journey
Wishing you all a lovely weekend. Stay Warm

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Happy Tuesday

Morning dear Elizabeth and all my 'Tea time' friends. I'm so happy to be here;-) Last week I missed posting here and visiting everyone.
Today I'm sharing my morning cup of coffee and my Fall journal.

I'm continuing with my Fall sketches in my 'No Sew Handmade Journal'.

One side of the journal is complete-:) I'm so happy with this season theme as the beautiful autumn colors are such an inspiration for me

Last week for Colombus day there were some good deals at the art stores. I got the Strathmore Mixed Media Art Journal. There are 64 pages in this and the paper is very thick and has a creamy shade to it. I prefer that than the stark white pages which some journals have.
I have decided to do one page a week and share it here. 

 This is the first page again I was inspired by Fall. The leaf impression was created out of a
real one-:) I then added Twinks to it and the stencilled circles. The page is done in many layers and I completed it with an inspiring quote.

"Keep going. Everything you need will come to you at the perfect Time."

I usually add quotes that are relevant to me. I've not been feeling very good lately. Of course with time and some good thinking now I'm back to my old self. This line is exactly what I wanted to see.

Thank you for being here
Have a lovely week
I'm linking my page to Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday

Friday, October 17, 2014

Friday Art

Happy Friday and here are more Fall sketches that I did in my handmade journal:

I'm enjoying sketching this way, with Fall season as my theme. I'm all set to make a new journal for the next season.
I'm linking these sketches to Alexandra's Sunday Sketches

Week-40 from the Documented Life Project challenge. Paint or use three colors that you never use. I have used four colors here and this was challenging for me as I couldn't find any three colors that i have never used. Instead I realized that I was not happy with this color combo- blue, violet and orange mix. So this is my take for Week-40 challenge. 

Week-42 Stars
I have still not done  the 41st week challenge.Last week's theme was stars and I created this page using modeling paste and Twinkling H2O's. I also added silver glitter to the stars-:)  

That is all for this week.
Linking my post to PPF and Art Journal Everyday
Thank you for being here

Friday, October 10, 2014

Happy Friday...

Happy Friday to all. After taking part in a 30 Day Challenge I felt the need to take a short break-:)
Here I was sketching regularly but did not feel like updating.
Anyways these are some o the sketches that I did in the last few days:

 Oak Leaves and acorns

 Another nature's find that I found near my house

 Colors of Fall

All these sketches have been done in my No Sew Handmade journal. One side of this journal is already finished and  I'm looking forward to sketch more on the other side.
Linking my post to PPF, Julie's Art Journal Everyday and Sunday Sketches
Thank you for being here.
Have a lovely weekend eveyone

About Me

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I am someone who loves almost everything that is related to art-be it writing, painting, crafts, music, dance; Yes,anything that can enliven my spirit. I am originally from Kerala,India. Currently I live in the US.
