

Blog Archive

Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Thank you all for your kind and loving words last week. It really helped.  I am not only  blessed with some amazing friends over here but also am thankful for the warmth and love my blog land friends give me. Indeed I am Blessed! Yet another blessing to add into my Gratitude journal-:)

 Along with a hot cup of tea, the art that I am sharing today is three girls who symbolize the qualities of honesty, empathy and courage.

Usually, when i have a difficult time my thoughts shift to all my negative qualities, of blaming my self. But nowadays I have shifted  my thoughts in a positive way, thinking of the qualities that make me strong even during challenging times. When I created these girls I wanted to put down those wonderful qualities to each one of them. She is one, with three essential qualities of being honest, brave and the gift to empathise.

Though my girls didn't come out perfect, the meaning that has evolved from it makes it a favorite page of mine.
Have you ever spend time to think of how valuable and strong you are as an individual? I think we all need to spend at least a couple of  minutes every now and then to realize how much we are all blessed with.
Wishing you all a lovely week
Linking my page to Elizabeth at T stands for Tuesday


  1. what a lovely post Susan. Your sweet angelic girls are beautiful, and I love the words they represent. Yes, blogland is a wealth of support and friendship. Wishing you sunny days and a happy T day!

  2. Your girls are wonderful Susan. You think they aren't perfect, but they are for none of US are perfect either.
    Fantastic post.....thanks for sharing it and your art.
    Happy T-day

  3. What a positive post, Susan., I am in awe of your drawing skills. I would be over the moon if I could draw like that, even though you weren't as happy with the outcome as I was. Of course, these girls who represent such positive qualities spoke to me.

    There are times I get discouraged, especially when I'm in a challenge that I don't care for. But I always try to end it on a high note, because it's really about the person reading and sharing your experience as much as it is for you.

    Thanks for sharing this wonderful and uplifting post with us, as well as your cup of tea with us for T this Tuesday.

  4. Three wonderful words and qualities! I'm my worst enemy when I wake up in the middle of the night; the rest of the time I stay pretty positive.

  5. I was just attempting to draw a girl like that this morning! Yours look much better than my try. :)
    Happy T day

  6. Love your artwork. I cannot draw people.. at. all. You did great! Happy Tday! Hugs! deb

  7. Honesty, empathy and courage are wonderful qualities that benefit everyone :) Happy T Day!

  8. really like your girls with a message..its so important to try and remain positive as positivity attracts positivity into your life..wishing you all that is well in life

  9. What an inspiring post! The girls look like angels. True. We should be positive with ourselves more often. Happy T-Day! :)

  10. your girls are lovely, and what a wonderful way to remind yourself how valuable you are! love that...we all need a reminder to be strong and be genuine. sometimes it's harder to accept ourselves than it is to accept others! thanks for sharing...happy T day, and have a wonderful week! ♥

  11. Hello Susan! How sweet these girls are, just as you are my friend. I have days like that too and actually was thinking of this very thing today. The 3 words are so important and we all need them too, even on the good days. I really do love these and think they came out LOVELY!! I'm glad they will still help remind you of how special you are even if they aren't just how you wanted it.
    You are a blessing to me always, prayed for my blog friends this morning, so thankful for our friendship over the years Susan. You inspire me in so many ways and have a gentle heart.

    We are feeling better this week, what a crazy time it was for us. They will be having the retreat again this fall and I hope to make it.
    Have a good week, stay warm. xo

  12. What a gorgeous and inspiring post!Thanks four your lovely comment.Happy T Day!

  13. What a gorgeous and inspiring post!Thanks four your lovely comment.Happy T Day!

  14. such a timely and precious post. It is wonderful to be reminded of how special we all are...thank you


About Me

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I am someone who loves almost everything that is related to art-be it writing, painting, crafts, music, dance; Yes,anything that can enliven my spirit. I am originally from Kerala,India. Currently I live in the US.
