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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

New Sketches...

This week for Tea on T stands for Tuesday I am having my Yogi Green Tea and sharing my sketching journal. 

I sketched these sunflowers as a reminder of our trip to the Sunflower maze last week. 

Above is the Sketch of my  Canon SX200. I wanted to put down the story of my WITL project in my sketchbook.

My recycled grocery bag book. I am so happy on how this turned out. I took the paper bags that we got from our weekend shopping and made this book. My binding is not perfect as I don't know what kind of binding this is. Instead of going through a tutorial I just looked at a similar kind of book and created it
Have to fill these pages with colors...

I am reading  this... Last year I enjoyed reading Austin Kleon's Steal Like an Artist. I think this one is also a good read.

Linking my page to Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday
Wishing you all a wonderful Tuesday 
Hugs SusaN 


  1. Your brown bag book is wonderful Susan as are your beautiful sunflowers.
    I bet you will have that lovely journal filled up in no time with your great artwork.
    Happy T Day

  2. What a fabulous book you created! The binding is brilliant! Your sunflowers are so beautiful and your Canon sketch is just great. Wishing you a very Happy T Day :D

  3. Wow, so glad to remember you also participated in WITL. I have been following along with Dawn's week. I wish I had visited your blog every day, so now I must go back and see what I missed.

    Those are some incredible sunflowers. I think they are fantastic. I love the way you've shown dimensionality in the petals. They are lovely.

    Your new journal is fabulous. I don't sew by hand, so making that book using that binding would have been beyond my capabilities (due to the fact I have NO pinch grip). But I thought you did a fabulous job.

    Thanks for sharing your art journal, your sunflowers, and your tea with us for T this Tuesday.

  4. your book is beautiful-the binding looks to me like Japanese stab binding and you did a great job with it! Your illustration of the sunflowers is gorgeous-really wonderful dimension, flow and shading Susan. Thanks also for sharing the interesting books -I got Danielle Donaldson's book because of you and have been enjoying it immensely! soon I'll have completed pages to share:) Happy T day to you!

  5. Love your journal, and the sketches, those sunflowers are fantastic. Have a good week and happy T Day, Valerie

  6. Sunflowers are my favorite flower, and you certainly did justice to them. Stunning!

  7. Your sunflowers turned out awesome! very well done...and love that paper bag journal that is crying out for paint to be splattered on! happy T Tuesday!

  8. Oh I love your sunflowers! And the brown bag thing is great!
    I love the book binding. Don't know much about book binding but it looks neat, and functional. Well done!
    Have a good week,

  9. A fab book is this Susan..and I love your sunflowers! WOW!
    Happy T-Day!

  10. Wow! What a fab sketch book! I really love the sunflowers! Hugs! deb

  11. What a great idea to bind a sketchbook from grocery bags; I make my own sketchbooks too, and I think yours looks just wonderful. I may steal that idea. ;-) And Austin Kleon is one of my favourites, as well. Happy T Day!

  12. Yes, Japanese stab binding--and I love your paper bag journal!!
    Your sketches are great--especially love the sunflowers.
    Happy T-Day! :)

  13. Your work in your journal is fantastic and I love the brown bag journal you made.... I'll have do a couple of those for the girls to have :) Thanks for SHARING ♥♥♥♥

  14. Hello Susan! Happy T Day! Love seeing your art today, awesome camera in your sketchbook!! How fun your paper bag journal is, good for you making it, have fun filling it up and share when it's done please.

    So awesome that you did WITL, hope your ok this week and thinking of how to put it together. Ali, has a great post up today on how to get started. No worries, just fun and knowing how sweet these memories will be for your family. I started looking through my photos today and ordered a few, will see how it goes from there. Hoping to be done by end of September, one little batch at a time.

    Happy crafting this week and hopefully warm weather, it's cold here and rainy.

  15. Wow, I was so busy admiring the sunflowers that I was surprised to see there was even more art. Your grocery bag is wonderful and so creative. What a splendid idea!

  16. Your sunflowers are gorgeous! I also like your clever and beautifully made journal out of recycled bags. Happy reading!

  17. Sorry for taking so long to visit you but it has been one of those weeks and only now squeezing in some visits.Love your sunflowers and the brown bag journal!Have a magical Sunday, my friend!


About Me

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I am someone who loves almost everything that is related to art-be it writing, painting, crafts, music, dance; Yes,anything that can enliven my spirit. I am originally from Kerala,India. Currently I live in the US.
