Today had been a difficult day and to be honest i did not feel like taking so many pictures. My 4 year old was quite cranky and difficult and that makes my day hard. This is also part of the normal days around here and I fully embrace it as with kids life can get so unpredictable and challenging.
A morning shot from our doorway
I was in the mood for some cooking. I made some veggie fried rice for lunch/dinnerMy oldest is having a great time with tracing war planes. Last weekend i had given him a tracing pad and he did so many tracings of his current favorite topic.
The light is so bad in this picture.
Lots and lots of Lego trucks and choppers are being constructed here on a daily basis-:)
Today, I managed to get at least one shot of my son having his dinner
Will be back tomorrow hopefully with more snaps
[By the way I noticed the dates on my pictures only now and the last ones show today's date. The dates have been set by the service center and I guess that is the Indian time being shown.It is 9 hours and 30 minutes ahead of the time here-:)]
Your week in life project is very enjoyable to read. It makes me feel connected as I have 7 and 4 yr old daughters and especially could relate to working through a grumpy kid day. Thank you for sharing!