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Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Tuesday Tea and Daily Sketch Day-9

 This is my daily writing journal.  On one side I do the DLP Challenge and I use the other side for writing. I take my morning cup of tea in this big red mug. This is the drink that I am sharing with Elizabeth and other friends at T stands for Tuesday
 I had posted a watercolor dress that I did as part of a class taught by Laurie May in one of my earlier posts.  This is the second one from the same class.
 As part of my Daily Sketching project I painted the three canisters that I had with me. I love them for their bright and cheerful colors and am happy to preserve them in my sketchbook.

I'm linking my page to Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday 
Happy Tuesday everyone 


  1. what beautiful illustrations Susan, and the dress is positively adorable!! I'd def. take that class if I had someone to give my paintings to. Happy T day!

  2. I'm drawn to that red mug and can't let go lol I think it would be such a day brightener! Happy T Tuesday.

  3. That bright red mug immediately caught my eye. Of course, I like your journal page, too. I have a pen just like that. I use it to write my daily calendar entries.

    Your canisters are also quite colorful and lovely. It's wonderful to see them in photo and painted, too. Beautiful.

    Thanks for sharing your art journal, your tea, and your colorful drawings with us for T this Tuesday.

  4. Your canisters are gorgeous, in real life and in your sketch book. Love the pretty dress. Enjoy your tea in that bright, red mug, have a good week, and happy T day, hugs, Valerie

  5. WOW!!! I love those canisters! You captured them perfectly in your journal, almost looks like a photo.
    Happy T-day

  6. excellent paintings..what watercolours do you use as I love the vibrant colours

  7. Your sketches are beautiful. Happy T-Day!

  8. Your art is vibrant and yummy this week. Love the bold colors of the canisters and your painting of them is great! Love the dress painting too. Your journal looks great. I don't do much writing in mine anymore but maybe I"ll start again.

  9. Journaling and sipping tea sounds like a great way to start each morning!

  10. A brilliant post! Love your journal page The cannisters look great, you have drawn them so well! Belated Happy T day! Chrisx

  11. Love your illustrations!So cute!our page is super cool!You draw so beautifully!Happy T day:)!


About Me

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I am someone who loves almost everything that is related to art-be it writing, painting, crafts, music, dance; Yes,anything that can enliven my spirit. I am originally from Kerala,India. Currently I live in the US.
