

Blog Archive

Friday, March 29, 2013

She Art-3

Last week I had posted this sketch of mine.

This is her with a much more colorful look.

This piece was done as part of Christy Tomlinson's She Art-3 class. Christy encourages us to draw and paint our own girls. This is my lady on canvas board.
Thank you
You can see more creative work of others at PPF and Art Journal Everyday 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Sketches- March13

Here are my sketches from last week and today. The weather is still dull and cold but my mind has already welcomed Spring.

Thank you

Friday, March 22, 2013

Stamps and Canvas

Last week I made some stamps out of foam but never got a chance to test them. So, today morning I sat down and tried them and here they are:


I can get creative in so many ways with these stamps.
As part of Christy Tomlinson's She Art -3 class, I also prepared the background of these canvases using collage paper,stamps, stencils and acrylic paint.

Once they are completed I will post them here.

Thank you

Art Journal Everyday, Paint Party Friday

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Project Life-Jan2013

These are my PL photos  for the month of Jan and Feb.
Jan was a difficult month for me as my camera broke and had to take photos with my husband's phone, depending on its availability.
This year also I'm continuing PL in the same album . So I made this page as a divider between the two years. I used rub-ons to indicate most of the things that I have set as a priority for this year.

 On the other side I included a family picture of ours.
 There is not much that has been recorded for the first week of January. School and swimming started for Ashish, and I also included a print of my art here.
 On January 16th it was my elder son's birthday. I baked a cake for him [chocolate is his favorite]. He was excited to play with his new car. This little one was so lucky, even though we didn't organise a party for him  he still managed to get several presents from many of our friends who were so thoughtful to have remembered his birthday.

The children playing with the new tablet.  Ashish had his 3rd Karate test in the last month of Jan. He is now a yellow belt. The last pictures are the tags and postcard that I made for the swaps. Ashish too made a bookmark and i have placed it in front of the tags.
That is all for January.
Will try to post Feb pictures as soon as possible.
Thank you for visiting

Sunday, March 17, 2013


Drawing faces and figures have always scared me. The truth is that fear never allowed me to even try drawing them.
Anyway last month I signed up for Christy Tomlinson's She Art-3 class and it has helped me to take the initiative to draw faces. Now the fear is gone instead I am trying to learn how to sketch faces.

Here are some of the faces that I have tried. My very first face sketches.

Linking this post to SundaySketches
Thank you

Friday, March 15, 2013

Spring is when life's alive...

My Spring page:

 "Spring is when life's alive in everything." [Christina Rossetti]
I have used gesso, watercolor, collage and stencils to create this page. Not happy with my writing but love how the butterflies have turned out.
Today my six year old was at home. When the little one was sleeping we both spent time painting and stamping. This is what I did. I tried out different techniques with gesso and watercolor. I also made some stamps using foam. My son tried them out on his sketchbook.Will try to post them next week.
Linking this page to Paint Party Friday and Art Journal Everyday
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend
Thank you

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Tag Swap by Inspiration Avenue

Last month the Inspiration Avenue team hosted a Tag Swap. It was my first time making and receiving tags.
These are the three tags that I received.

This is the first tag that I received and it is from Shelly Simpson. I love how she has used pattern paper to create the texture on the tag. The zebra striped paper is awesome.

   What can I say about this tag?Truly beautiful!This one is by Katie and she has added feathers, rhinestones, lace and ribbons to it. I also love the color combo of pink and purple that she has used here.

This is the last tag that I received. This tag is filled with Gina's creativity. If I am correct, she has stencilled and stamped on it, doodled,has glued handmade flowers, tiny stars and flowers, and has even used metal embellishments. Love all that she has added to it and at the back she has also written,"Love is an everlasting Garden for the Heart."

Thank you all for these lovely creations. They are all safely tucked in my Project Life album.
Thank you Inspiration Avenue team for hosting such a fabulous swap. Hope you will come up again with something fun like this.
Thank you

Monday, March 11, 2013


I started sketching again from last week.


These days Spring is in my mind a lot. I am sketching all my favorite subjects of this lovely season.
Thank you

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Color This Quote-2

The second quote for Color this Quote challenge at Artists in Blogland is so inspiring. This one by R.W.Emerson states: " Write it on your heart that everyday is the best day in the year."

This is my take on the challenge:

The background was done using watercolors and some doodling. The silhouettes' were made out of an interesting technique using oil pastels.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

IA Challenge

Last year I did two great online workshops, The Art of Wild Abandonment by Junelle Jacobson and Christy Tomlinson's She Art-1. This favorite piece of mine was done  after these two classes. 
Clotheslines always remind me of my home in India
If you want more details about these classes go here.

Monday, March 4, 2013


It has been a while since I have posted any of my sketches here. Not much was done in February but as I was flipping through my old sketchbook I found these two favorites of mine. They were just done with a black gel pen. 

This little bird was one of the sketches that I did last month.
I am also linking this page to Creative Everyday.
Thank you

Friday, March 1, 2013

When life kicks you...

This is a page that I created with just three colors: pink, white and silver. I love this page for its simplicity and also that it was created for a specific reason.
This week's challenge by the Inspiration Avenue team is based on Breast Cancer Awareness. We have to create art using pink and white and this is my take on the challenge:

The inspiring quote says: "When life kicks you, let it kick you forward." [Kay Yow]

This challenge reminded me a few things about health. The need to exercise, to eat healthy and to go for regular check ups. Consistency is the key and that is what I lack. I admire people who regularly take walks or go to the gym.

This month I've decided to stop making winter as an excuse and to start  an exercise routine.
I am linking this page to paintpartyfriday and Inspiration Avenue
Thank you for checking

About Me

My photo
I am someone who loves almost everything that is related to art-be it writing, painting, crafts, music, dance; Yes,anything that can enliven my spirit. I am originally from Kerala,India. Currently I live in the US.
