

Blog Archive

Sunday, June 30, 2013


My sketches from last week:

Thank you

Linking this to Sunday Sketches

Thursday, June 27, 2013

The art of being happy...

"The art of being happy lies in the power of extracting happiness from common things." (H.W.Beecher)

Purple and lime green are the colors for the third week SOC challenge. I did a background using two shades of purple acrylics. I then did a  collage over the background. Love this tiny stone house. Wish I'd one like this where I could sit and do art, listen to music and just relax:)

I glued the house and the wild roses on the left and some irises on the other side. With lime green I stenciled all over the top part . Finally I outlined them and the flowers with white and added a felt butterfly to the page.

The quote done on masking tape is by H.W.Beecher.

Taking a short holiday with family as my son started his vacation on Wednesday. Wish you all a wonderful summer.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


I found a new cool blog, through one of my blogger friends, Dawn. They have posted a five day challenge. You will get all the details if you click on the above link.

This card was made for their second day's sequin challenge.

I glued the sequins and seed beads (yeah, the tiny beads are there in the middle of each flower) on the card and wrote the word 'SMILE' with white sakura gel pen.

This layout was made for their Stitching challenge of Day-4.

The banner was stitched and one side of the photo was also stitched to the frame. I also used some embroidery floss at the bottom of the page.

I'm also linking these works to Glue it Tuesday
Thanks for checking

Sunday, June 23, 2013


Just two drawings from last week.

 The brushes in a jar is part of an online class that I'm taking. 

We  planted some veggies last week at  our friend's garden. That inspired me to draw this tomato plant.

Linking this to Sunday Sketches 
Thank you 

Friday, June 21, 2013

SOC: Week-2

This week's SOC-13 was quite a challenge for me.Pink is not so much my color. Even though I love seeing it on other's art I rarely use it on mine.
But thanks Kristin, for the opportunity to play with these colors that I ended up making two pages:)

At first I created a simple page using stencils and hand made stamps.Please click on the pictures to see better. I love the colors popping out of the white page.
On washi tape I wrote, "Sometimes SIMPLICITY is all that Matters."

But somehow I didn't feel fully  content with this page. I'd wanted to do a portrait but was not sure how it will turn out. I was afraid that it won't be good enough to post, so I kept on postponing that idea.
But yesterday night I thought, at the most what will happen if my drawing doesn't do well? Nothing, absolutely nothing. Then why not try what my heart wants? I'll have fun and if it doesn't turn out well fine, but I can be happy that I at least tried. And thus this pretty lady was created.

"If you never try, you'll never know."

 She may not be perfect but I love her, her blushing face, her orange hair and all the little "diamonds" that she is proudly wearing:)

I'm glad that I followed my heart and went ahead and created her. I think it's so much fun to create portraits in unreal shades and I'm going to try creating more such faces in different colors.
 You can go here to see more stunning works by other artists. I'm also linking this page to PPF and Julie Balzer's  Art Journal Everyday 

Thank you all for your encouragement and kind words. I love reading each and everyone of them and please do continue supporting me and my art.
SusaN .

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Color This Quote- June

This is the page  that I did for Color this quote's June challenge.

To the background I added some pearls and textured hearts.
The quote is from the Bible: "May there be peace and prosperity within your walls." Psalms 122:7
You can see more from work on this challenge here
Thank you

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

To the Beach

This is my collage for this week's Glue it Tuesday challenge.
What is Summer without a trip to the beach! I was so happy to have found a place for my little shells. I collected them when we made a short trip to the beach in my hometown in India last year.

You can see more amazing work here

Sunday, June 16, 2013

More Sketches

These are the sketches from last week:

 Garden Doodle

Didn't get enough time to add color to these little birdies. For now they are just simple pen sketches.

Linking my page to SundaySketches. You can see wonderful works of many other artists there.
Thank you

Friday, June 14, 2013

SOC -Week-1

This post is for the first challenge on Summer Of Color hosted by Kristin. The colors that we've to use are Turquoise (one of my fav) and Citron Green.
I created this page in many layers. First I used music sheet, then some masking tape was added. Next came a coat of gesso. I did the border using Adirondack alcohol ink's Citrus color. Then I stenciled the background image using a combination of lime green and turquoise acrylic paints that were mixed with modeling paste. Love the heavy texture that I got from the gesso and the modeling paste.Please click on the picture to see better.
I created some random turquoise dots all over the page, cut out the shape of the bird, painted it in turquoise and added the rusty heart that was painted red for a contrast, and some leaf cutouts were also added to the page.

The quote states, " Most of us, swimming against the tides of trouble the world knows nothing about, need only a bit of praise or encouragement - and we will make the goal." Jerome P. Fleishman
As the page was  heavily textured I couldn't use a pen to write the quote. It was done using India ink and a paint brush.Thank you Kristin for hosting this wonderful event. It is not only fun to create something  but also there is lots and lots of praise and encouragement that we all receive here. That means so much to me and I'm sure for many other participants too.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend
I'm also linking this page to PPF

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Summer Calls

 I created a very bright page on Summer. Ready to take in all the colorful trips, laughter, cries and the precious little moments  of my family for this holiday but along with this I hope to get some inner peace and calm to rejuvenate my creative soul :)

Linking this collage to Glue it Tuesday
Thank you

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Sunday Sketches -June

My sketches from last week:

Linking  to SundaySketches
Thank you

Friday, June 7, 2013

Art Journal-June

"You will recognize your own path when you come upon it, because  you will suddenly have all the ENERGY and IMAGINATION  you will ever need." Jerry Gillies
This quote is so true or else how can I explain  my getting up before sunrise and playing with my paints in my art journal. 
 I don't set any alarm but most of the days I'm up by 5 in the morning. I love and hold the next two to two and a half hours precious as I sit with my coffee mug, sketch book, journals and paints without any interruption. Even if I hit the bed only at midnight, I'll be up the next morning at five (most of the days) and with great energy and enthusiasm I start to do something creative. 
When do you love to create, early mornings, day time or late in the night? 

Linking my page to PPF and Art Journal Everyday
Are you all getting ready to play at Kristin's SOC3? I'm very excited  about the event. Can't wait to start on the challenge next Monday.  
Thank you all for your kind words on my previous posts. I too try my best to visit each one of you and comment on your wonderful creations.
Have a great weekend 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Travel Dreams

 My travel dreams. Though it is going to be a long wait I still dream of travelling to places unknown to me.

Linking this to Glue it Tuesday

The Summer of Color hosted by Kristin has already started in full swing. If you want to know more about it go here I'm participating for the first time and I have already loved the many ideas that Kristin has come up with.
Thank you

Sunday, June 2, 2013

May Sketches

These are the last few sketches from May.

I tried doing a couple of sketches from nature too:

On this page along with the painting I stuck the real flowers too. The background didn't turn out well but I enjoyed doing the flowers. Everything is part of a wonderful learning process.

Linking this to SundaySketches
Happy June

About Me

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I am someone who loves almost everything that is related to art-be it writing, painting, crafts, music, dance; Yes,anything that can enliven my spirit. I am originally from Kerala,India. Currently I live in the US.
