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Tuesday, March 3, 2015

T stands for my quilt girl

Last week I missed being here. This month is so busy here with exams for kids in school. The academic year starts here in June and ends in march.
For "Tea" today I have a bottle of cold Pepsi. Summer is at its peak from March till May here and I wish for some snow now -:)

Today I want to share the art that I had done for the DLP  Challenge. For the third week of February, the challenge was to repeat the elements or patterns in our art. 
For that I created a quilt girl from Christy Tomlinson's She Art-4  class. Though her face didnt come out well, I love, love the quilt patterned skirt of my girl. One of my friends here named her as the Dragonfly lady-:) 

That is it for today. I am linking my post to Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday
Thank you  for  being  here


  1. Susan, I will give you all the snow you want if you want to come to my house (grin). I'll also give you cold and cloudy days with lots of bone chilling winds. So that Pepsi looks a bit too cold for me this week, but I'm glad it's helping keep you cool.

    Your gal's quilt skirt is gorgeous. It must have taken you FOREVER to get it finished. I agree she looks like the Dragonfly lady, AND she's very beautiful. I also like the flowers, and the way you painted the background black, which makes everything else POP.

    Thanks for sharing your art, your summer heat, and your Pepsi with us for T this Tuesday. Glad you could join us.

  2. Your dragonfly lady is beautiful!! Happy T Day :D xo

  3. We're expecting ice again tomorrow, so I'm cradling my hot coffee. I look forward to summertime here. Happy T Tuesday :)

  4. I'd be ever so happy to send you our snow and ice in exchange for your hot weather! Your "dragonfly girl is lovely and yes, that is a fab skirt!

  5. I loVe your Dragonfly girl! Still windy and cold here in UK but hoping for warmer weather this weekend! Happy T day! Chrisx

  6. Great idea to repeat patterns in the skirt! I am in 'catch-up' mode with DLP, but you are doing great!

  7. You can have our cold weather!! I'm done. Love your girl!!! She is really quite lovely.

  8. Your dragonfly lady with her lovely quilted skirt is wonderful Susan.
    We are in the middle of a snowstorm here in Virginia and it is really beautiful.
    Happy March to you and yours.

  9. So glad your taking the class too, love her quilt girls. This is lovely, her skirt is gorgeous!! I know you had fun with this one, girls are your gift. It looks great with the black background too and the flowers are pretty. I would LOOOOVE to send you some snow, there is too much for me. I know the heat isn't fun either, going to remember that myself when it's summer and I'm complaining, lol. Hope you will do more of these girls and share them here. xo


About Me

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I am someone who loves almost everything that is related to art-be it writing, painting, crafts, music, dance; Yes,anything that can enliven my spirit. I am originally from Kerala,India. Currently I live in the US.
