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Friday, June 27, 2014

Friday Art

Wow! June is almost getting over. This week I've been super busy. My son's vacation has started, he has also started with his summer camp and seems to be enjoying it.

We have also enrolled for the summer reading program at the library (my 3 year old is also in it and we both have fun reading The Rainbow Fish, Moe Willems...and so many other books).

Time is just flying but let me be honest I immensely love it, hmm, at least most of it-:) (not the whining, complaining part...) 
Thankfully, I'm also able to do at least 1-2 hrs of art and here are some that I enjoyed doing...

This is my first time creating in a Stillman and Birn sketchbook and I love it. This is the Zeta series and the paper is smooth and takes in a lot of water. I also used Winsor and Newton watercolors for the first time and I'm so much a fan of it now. The colors are rich and smooth and now I want a big set. But it is very expensive and I'm now waiting for a good sale at the art store.

I'm continuing with my daily sketches. Last week we went strawberry picking and I did a sketch after one of the strawberries that my sons picked.

This pear is for the One Little Word challenge by Ronda Palazzari. The prompt is 'Light' and this is my take for it since I tried to play around with light and shadow with this piece.

 Week-25 Add Hearts to your page.  

Week-25 Add a favorite line from a book. As I love quotes I used two of them on my watercolor flowers 
The above two pages are for Week-25, 26 at Documented Life Project.

Finally, a page from Mindy Lacefield's Sunday Morning class. I think this is one of my favorites from her class. 

Well, that is it for this week.
Wishing you all a Happy Weekend

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

More Watercolors...

Hello Tuesday and this is my sketch for Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday. This weekend we made a trip to Target and I bought  a pair of these mugs. Of course then the cup became a subject for my daily sketching series.  

Thank you all who gave some invaluable suggestions on the water color Poppies that I did last week. I did make some changes on the flowers with my paints but still I didn't like it as a whole piece. So I cut them out and pasted on a Teal background and Viola! this is my take for the Week-2 challenge at Summer of Colors.

This is my doodle for SOC's Week-1 Challenge where the colors were Aqua Blue, Yellow and a dash of Pink. I had done this 2 weeks ago but never remembered to post it-:)

Last Tuesday, I was not very happy with my Poppies and after some surfing on the net, I found a tutorial to do some loose watercolor paintings and the above painting is the result.

 I loved the loose style of painting, without any outlining or details that I got inspired to do one more in the same style. Now I want to do more flowers this way

That is it for this week. My daily sketches are coming off well.
Wishing you all a lovely Tuesday

Friday, June 20, 2014

Hello Friday

I love to take part in challenges but the only issue is lack of time. Anyways this week I managed to do this mixed media page on some whimsical houses.
"Home is a starting place for Love and Dreams."
I'm linking this page to Mix it Monthly and Art Journal Journey where the theme for this month is Home

 Day-3 from my Daily Sketches series. I also did this cone flower painting on book page as part of the Week-24 DLP Challenge.

 Day-4 A quick sketch of my 3 year old's  teddy bear. 

Day-5 I never got the time to add color to this.

 A water color painting of the White Spotted Puffer fish for this month's sketchbook challenge, Water Life

Hooded Oriole with my Koi water colors

That is it for this week. One more day and then the summer holidays start for my first grader. June is almost over and why do I get the feeling that Summer is shorter than winter!  
Linking my page to PPFArt Journal Everyday and SundaySketches 
Wishing you all a peaceful and happy week

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Circle Journal Part-2

 Happy Tuesday to Elizabeth and everyone at T stands for Tuesday. I'm doing a daily sketch series and the above sketch is part of that project. My children love Dinosaurs and this is a favorite night shirt of my younger son.

Last Friday, I shared the first half pages of my Circle Journal. If you are interested, you can see them here. Today I'm sharing the last 8 pages of the journal.
This amazing texture filled cupcakes were done by Lisa from Michigan.

Then my journal reached the hostess of this Circle Journal project, Denita  in Florida

 From there, she traveled to Becky in Texas who did this bright tea pot and cup

 By then Spring had arrived and she reached Janice's home in North Carolina

 From there she went to Libbi's home in California. I regard Libbi as the queen of texture.

 Next my journal went to Ohio, to Melissa. Love the simplicity and whiteness of this page.

 She then visited Ruthie in South Carolina. This precious angel was done by her.

Finally, I also wanted to share the page that I did. 
Total 15 pages of amazing art. I loved this experience and am sure will be doing something like this again.

I also wanted to share this painting with you. I would love to hear your thoughts on this piece. Usually, I refer tutorials or take classes to paint nature themes. But for this one, I just experimented and played with different shades of reds and gradually this evolved. I'm just feeling ok with this piece, feel like some things are still missing but can't figure out what the exact problem is.I think I need to work more on the flower that is on the middle. Do you think it is complete? Your feedback is welcome.   
Hope you enjoyed all that I've shared here.
Thank you for your encouragement and kind words  
Have a Fabulous Tuesday  

Friday, June 13, 2014

Artsy Friday

My Circle Journal have reached home!!! After being away for almost an year she is back. The pages are filled with beautiful art from 14 talented women 
This is my Journal. It is an altered book and I painted the cover using water colors. I am sharing the first seven pages from my book.   

The first beautiful summer art that I received was from Pam who is in California.

Pam then sent it to Raquel in Texas. She did this inspiring page from one of Junelle Jacobson's classes.
The next Fall themed page was done by Emma from California.
 Emma then handed it over to her daughter Cat. Her page is rich in colors and stamp prints.
 I love the texture in the middle of this sunflower. This lovely page was done by Donna from Georgia.
It was then sent to Washington where this shimmery winter page was done by Merri 
By then it was 2014 and she landed in Texas again at Jeanne's place. Love the cheerful colors and the owl  
That is it for today. I will share the next 7 plus my page on my next blog post. 

 As for my own art this week, I'm currently inspired to do daily sketching. I've decided to do one sketch  a day  for the rest of this year, Oops! that is going to be hard still I'm going to give it a try.
This is my first sketch. It is my son's sippy cup-:) I'm sure after a couple of years we are going to enjoy looking at these kind of pictures.

 I'm linking my sketch to Sunday Sketches.
 I'm also linking this post to PPF and Art Journal Everyday
Thank you for visiting

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

T stands for Art

Today, I'm happy that I managed to get early for Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday.

 Along with my big cup of green tea I want to share this sea horse painting that I did for the sketchbook challenge. This month their challenge is to do water life. It was not that easy for me to do this sketch. Somehow after a couple of hours I managed to finish Mr. Seahorse.
I've tried the technique of cross hatching on its body. It is a line drawing technique that is used for achieving more value and texture in one's art.

Two weeks ago I shared a doodle here. I used watercolor on it . I like it better in real than on this photo. I do need more practice in painting my doodles.

Yet another page from my online class, The Walk. The class is open only till the end of August and hence I'm busy trying to finish each lesson.
This lesson was all about how we are never alone in times of our difficulties.
There is always someone to help but we need to find our Helper or Guide who can help us in coming up with the answers for our problems.

I also wanted to share with you a poem that my 1st Grader wrote for Poetry Reading in his school. He loves Nature and reads and watches all that he can on that subject.

This is a poem that he wrote on Sharks. We are so proud of this little boy who loves to draw, read and imagine so much on nature and cars, the two subjects that he love the most.
I'm enjoying this last month of his school, where  we get to go and watch their art, listen to their poems and plays. So Thankful for our children who make our world more special to us.
Thank you for being here and going  through all that I've shared here.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Welcome June

At last the circle journal is completed. I did my last journal and sent it to its owner this week. This is what I did in her journal.

I've been so interested in doing birds for the last couple weeks so I did one for her. This time I wanted some sparkle on my pages, so added Twinkling H20's to the bird and the leaves.
To make the page more meaningful, I added a quote: "Arise and be all that you Dreamed."

     This month the challenge at is Aqua/ Water Life. I did this very colorful fish, (Synchiropus Splendidus) using water colors. I like it better in real than in this picture. The colors are more bright and cheerful on the real page.  

One last painting of daisies, being Thankful for this wonderful season. I want it to last for some time-:)

Linking my pages to PaintPartyFriday and Art Journal Everyday
Wishing you all a great weekend
Thank you for checking

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Tuesday Art

Happy June to everyone. It has not been a great morning for me. I'd been trying to upload the photos and update my blog but my computer is being very difficult. Hope it is not a major issue.
Today I wanted to share some art that I created after some classes. 
 Last month I had signed up for Alisa Burke's mini online class, Flower Power. The above doodle is something that I did after her class.
 The above page is after Melody Ross' class, The Walk. On the left I've done a self-portrait and have journaled about myself. On the right there is more journaling on all that I have been blessed with.

Linking my page to Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday
Hope you all have a great week


About Me

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I am someone who loves almost everything that is related to art-be it writing, painting, crafts, music, dance; Yes,anything that can enliven my spirit. I am originally from Kerala,India. Currently I live in the US.
